Our Services

Our Services

Since 2008, AccountAble Chartered Accountants has been in possession of an AFM license to carry out statutory audits of large and medium-sized companies. In addition, we also carry out inspections at various (non-profit) organizations. We use modern audit software and the control strategy developed by the SRA.

Our approach and its implementation meet the strict quality requirements that are currently set by the legislator and our own professional group.

AccountAble has proven over the years that our solid but efficient approach can be carried out at competitive prices.



Administration (online)

We are happy to help you with your administration. We are comfortable in various accounting software packages, but we prefer to use the Exact-Online. Many clients already work with us together in the accounting software. We can determine who carries out which processes, so that you can do the things for which you have the time and knowledge and we can take care of the rest.

Modern digital techniques are at our disposal: you supply your accounting documents digitally or you make photo uploads, bank mutations are automatically entered in the accounts on daily basis; recognition software is used to efficiently process invoices. The invoicing of your turnover can also be arranged in Exact. In addition, you have continuous online access to your own administration. So that you are always aware of your financial situation.

Annual statements and tax returns

Preparing annual accounts and taking care of tax returns are our core business. We like to take it a step further to advise you proactively.

Payroll administration

You can also contact us for your payroll administration. We have experienced expert employees who can process your wages and help you with personnel matters. Modern techniques are used for communication en processing of data. For example, employees can have digital access to their payslips themselves.


We want to take your worries off your hands. That is why we tailor our services to our customers, so that they can focus on their business. We offer tailor-made support for:

  • Administrations
  • (Internal) reporting
  • Compilation of annual reports
  • Payroll services Tax returns
  • Tax returns


Holding companies

We have a lot of experience in supporting holding companies and their owners. We provide expert assistance in choosing the right structure; determine an appropriate dividend strategy and help you master the playing field between private and business.


Every year, many people take the step into entrepreneurship. A step that must be taken carefully. AccountAble is specialized in guiding starting entrepreneurs. We are happy to help you start your business.


Sustainability report

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. In 2022, the CSRD directive was introduced based on European legislation. This means that from the 2024 financial year, large companies will have to start reporting on sustainability. Accountants in roles other than the auditor are increasingly confronted with sustainability in their professional practice, for example as drafters of sustainability reporting or as advisors to SMEs.

Although the reporting obligation is still voluntary for small and medium-sized enterprises for the time being, more and more companies are taking the initiative to become more sustainable and to report on it. Pressure can also be exerted from the chain, which means that large companies can set sustainability requirements for their smaller customers and suppliers.

AccountAble has partnered with environmental consultancy Eco-Math to enable sustainability reporting for SMEs.

Read more about AccountAble's partnership with Eco-Math.

CO2 footprint

A good starting point to start reporting on sustainability is to set up and maintain CO2 accounting. The same steps are followed as when setting up financial accounting.

The CO2 footprint is the amount of CO2 emissions that a company generates as a result of its business activities. These include the contribution of energy consumption, water consumption, waste processing and transport.

Here is the CO2 footprint of AccountAble:


De CO2 footprint van AccountAble is berekend met behulp van de Milieubarometer. Dit is een tool die de milieubelasting van een bedrijf inzichtelijk maakt. AccountAble is gecertificeerd Milieubarometer bedrijf.

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Rapportageverplichting werkgebonden personenmobiliteit (WPM)

Vanaf 1 juli 2024 geldt voor ondernemingen met meer dan 100 werknemers de verplichting om te rapporteren over de CO2-uitstoot van het zakelijke verkeer en het woon-werkverkeer van werknemers.

In een handreiking van RVO staat welke gegevens u moet bijhouden. Dit zijn bijvoorbeeld het totaal aantal kilometers dat uw werknemers heeft afgelegd voor zakelijk verkeer en woon-werkverkeer, maar ook het jaartotaal aan kilometers, verdeeld in soort vervoermiddel en brandstoftype.

Aanwijzingen over de wijze waarop u moet rapporteren vindt u in handleiding 'Aan de slag met het online formulier WPM'.